Sunday, August 26, 2012

Life takes a turn

My Life has taken a turn.
I am now a mother of two very active and healthy boys. Scouting around to look for new stuff that I can do and I happen to stumble upon this. Check it out. It worked for me.

Income for Life — Start Earning Money Now

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

wow... that was long

I know. I know.
It really has been a long time since I last posted on my blog. Reasons are plain simple. I WAS ON A ROLLER COASTER!!! I was indeed literally for all these while.

It all started with a wonderful trip to Sydney in December with my family. We had a great time and experience. I will definitely post some pictures. I was truly mesmerized by the weather and the different suburbs.

The daily routine started once I got back home and the my next excitement was starting my three year old brat to school. Yes he is a brat simply because he is only three and a half and he has already sharpened his negotiation skills. I always thought kids learn to negotiate once they turn FIVE! Ah well, welcome to the reality.

Anyway, the final throw was when I realised that I am expecting my number two. What happened? I must say it must be a jackpot as both of us were busy adjusting to the new daily routines. Perhaps it was meant to be. My three year old brat was already getting bored alone at home.

This pregnancy was different however. I have been instructed to stay as a queen bee. Yes complete rest with restricted movements. This was definitely an uphill task for me, as I walked 30 minutes everyday to my toddler's school, did yoga and daily meditation. This was above all the other household chores that needed to be attended to.

It's been six months now... with God's grace, and I am still surviving the tai tai (mandarin for rich and famous) lifestyle.

Boy or girl? I didn't want to know as I was just happy that everything was going fine. Maybe I will find out the next time.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Every flower is a Soul blossoming in Nature

Hello everyone!

Welcome to my blog. Life is a beautiful journey that teaches one to be a better person. Experiences and discoveries that one goes through makes the entire learning journey even more exciting.

I grew up having many ambitions and dreams in mind..... and of course did my very best to work towards achieving them.

Being a successful career women was one that topped my list. Therefore, achieving par excellence in education become the top most priority during my academic years. Of course there were wonderful friends and school mates that made this a memorable journey to me. It was fun learning together, groping in the dark when we were clueless while trying to find solutions. Not to mention the ups and downs we had. Infact, one of them gave me this idea to start my own blog. Thanks Audrey!

I can't think of a better way to take this "jungle trekking" again. Walking through this thick jungle that had overwhelming knowledge to be absorbed and taking breaks from time to time to discover the breathtaking surroundings we had molded our personalities preparing us to weather any possible storm that lied ahead.

We parted ways upon reaching the end of our academic days to embark on a new journey....this time a career "road trip". The only difference is that this journey is a little clearer to reach especially my destination to be a successful career woman. I had education in hand as my map to plan my trip, making sure having adequate stops and checks  for possible or even better career advancements. Its not an easy journey I shall say. Many detours, knocks and falls that may divert your focus. Sometimes, you even keep going on only to realize that you are running out of gas! Well I am for now, at least. Taking a break before I continue my "road trip".

That is why I'm blogging, duh!

I am truly mesmerized by the breathtaking scenery at the stop I've made at, that gives me no choice but to share this experience with you. Trust me, its heavenly. Nope I am not a preacher. Soul searching? Naah... keep guessing, though. Just bear with me and do stay tuned.

I will like to end this session with a quote that has been with me for decades. Gerard De Nerval's, "Every flower is a Soul blossoming in Nature" is my personal favourite. Flowers are very colourful and presentable  even though they come in different shapes and sizes. Some flowers are generally more favoured than the rest because of their fragrances.  We are are just like flowers with unique personalities. However different we may be, we are all still special.