Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The mad day of my mind.

Okay, so today didn't go as planned, the bank kinda screwed me over again, this time saying that I could not get any of the $ that was put there for me. Now I have to get a lawyer person to come in and sign some stuff... this is going to be annoying. On top of all this, I have to prolong getting my car's oil changed and re-painted, not to mention I gotta wait to get my speakers now. This really does suck.

Other than that today, the day wasn't so bad, went back to the old pad and got some stuff I left there, still gotta get meh kitty though, can't leave him there all alone. Oh also I picked up this bracelet for my friend, really hope she likes it! Anyway, tonight should be a little better, waiting to talk to my bro ash about maybe taking a vacation up there in a few weeks. ~IT WILL BE AWESOME~ so can't wait for it though. What I still don't get though is why its so nasty hot in alabama, why can't there just be cold air... I'm like bla right now, the only thing saving me is Mic and Mom's rooms.

So about college stuff, I'm still planning to head up to New Jersey, kinda excited about it, just not so excited about moving again, but hey gives me chances to meet new people, but hell there could always be something or someone to stop me from moving so you never really know I guess. Overall I think I'll be happy either way.

Ps. To the friend that is getting the present... I really hope you like it. It's something that is kinda important to me, so I hope it will be just as important to you.

Anyway, buh bye, everyone that is reading, I hope you have a good day and I'll be back to write again some day soon.