
What Is The Most Desirable Diamond Shape ?

Oval diamonds are a traditional form for a reason; they look beautiful in any setting and will be the centre of attention. There are many different designs of oval rings to pick from; they can be basic solitaires or feature a magnificent hidden halo full of pave diamonds. Whatever style you choose, an oval diamond will always stand out on any hand.

What Does An Oval Ring Symbolize ?

Oval cuts have been known for centuries, but the modern oval cut was not invented until the late 1950s and early 1960s. This cut, invented by Russian professional diamond cutter Lazare Kaplan, elongates the typical round form while retaining the rounded edge for increased endurance than designs with sharp corners. As a result, an oval cut stone is appropriate for an active lifestyle and daily use, making it great for an engagement ring. An oval form looks especially nice on thick fingers or small hands since the extended shape creates the illusion of more length.

Are Oval Diamonds More Expensive ?

You may have noticed that various diamond shapes are becoming more fashionable for wedding or engagement rings each year. However, oval diamonds in engagement rings have held a special place in the hearts of many individuals for many years. In terms of the brilliance and fire reflected by the central diamond of your engagement ring, ovals are second only to round cuts.